(set #UnpackDest "96PlusPack-2:96 Plus Pack Supplements/")
(set #ArchiveType "Supplements")
(source "Ram:Icons/disk2")
(dest "96PlusPack-2:")
(optional "force")
(run "delete Ram:Archive/Supps2.lha")
(run "delete Ram:Archive")
(run "delete Ram:Icons/#?")
(run "delete Ram:Icons")
; Start here!
(message #Welcome-Message)
(run "resident 96PlusPackInstall:Utils/Format")
(run "resident 96PlusPackInstall:Utils/lhx")
(run "resident 96PlusPackInstall:Utils/Wait")
(run "resident 96PlusPackInstall:Utils/Delete")
;// Floppy or HD ?
(set #FullPath (expandpath "sys:"))
(if (= #FullPath "Organiser:")
(set #DiskDefault 1)
(set #DiskDefault 0)
(set #DestinationType
(prompt #DestChoicePrompt)
(choices #HardDiskChoiceMsg
(help #DestChoiceHelp)
(default #DiskDefault)
(if (= #DestinationType 0)
(run "resident Format Remove")
(run "resident lhx Remove")
(run "resident Wait Remove")
(run "resident Delete Remove")
(exit "\nFor details of how to use the Supplements and Diary Themes with Digita Organiser, refer to the the Organiser manual, or Organiser's on-line help system.")